A young bear named Benny explores the different seasons and weather in the north, east, west, and south.
The subjects of the best night in the land of dreams explore the mysteries of the night sky and the wonders of the world.
Six friends from Australia, Canada, and China embark on a journey to Austria and become great friends while discovering commonalities in their cultures.
A Finnish girl named Lila goes on an adventure to visit India, Japan, Nigeria, and Turkey, learning about different cultures and making new friends along the way.
Six friends embark on a journey to explore the culture, history and cuisine of Thailand, Turkey, Poland and South Korea.
Burt the adventurous bird goes on a journey to the north and becomes known as the "weather reporter" among the animals by flying to different parts of the world to report on the weather.
The poem describes different directions and weather conditions while encouraging young kids to explore the world around them.
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