Burt the Brave Weather Reporter

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Burt who lived in the west. Burt was always looking for adventure and was always up for trying something new. One day, he heard that the north was home to the wettest weather in the world, so he decided to take a trip there to see if it was true.

Burt set off on his journey and soon realized that the north was indeed very wet. Everywhere he looked, he saw rain, rain, and more rain. But Burt was determined to make the best of it, so he put on his raincoat and started to explore.

As Burt was exploring, he stumbled upon a group of animals who were all huddled under a tree to stay dry. Burt joined them and they all started chatting about their experiences with the weather in the north.

The animals told Burt that the east was always mild and sunny, and that was where they wished they were instead. Burt, being the adventurous bird that he was, offered to fly to the east and bring back a report on the weather.

Burt took off towards the east and soon returned with good news - the east was indeed mild and sunny, just as the animals had hoped. The animals were overjoyed and thanked Burt for his help.

From that day on, Burt became known as the "weather reporter" among the animals of the north. And every time they wanted to know what the weather was like in other parts of the world, they would turn to Burt for his latest report.

And Burt was always happy to help, because he loved exploring and trying new things, and there was no better way to do that than by reporting on the weather. The end.


  1. Where did Burt live at the beginning of the story?
  2. Why did Burt go to the north?
  3. What did Burt find out about the weather in the north?
  4. How did Burt help the animals of the north?
  5. What did Burt become known as among the animals?
  6. Why did Burt like exploring and trying new things?
  7. How did Burt's adventures end?

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