Lila's Cultural Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lila who lived in Finland. She loved learning about different cultures and countries. One day, she decided to go on an adventure to visit India, Japan, Nigeria, and Turkey.

In India, Lila met an Indian boy named Raj who taught her about the rich history and diverse culture of his country. They played together and ate delicious Indian food.

Next, Lila visited Japan where she was fascinated by the unique customs and traditions of the Japanese people. She learned how to write her name in Japanese and even tried on a traditional kimono.

In Nigeria, Lila met a Nigerian boy named Chuka who showed her around his city. She was amazed by the vibrant colors and music of the country.

Finally, Lila went to Turkey where she learned about the rich history of the Turkish people. She even tried some traditional Turkish sweets and danced to traditional Turkish music with her new friends.

Lila had a wonderful time on her adventure and learned so much about the different cultures and countries she visited. She was grateful for the kindness of the Finnish, Indian, Japanese, Nigerian, and Turkish people she met along the way.


  1. What country did Lila come from?
  2. What did Lila learn about India when she visited there?
  3. What did Lila try on in Japan?
  4. What country did Lila visit last?
  5. Who did Lila meet in Nigeria?
  6. What did Lila learn about the Turkish people?

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