A young Choctaw boy named Little Hawk, with the help of a veteran archaeologist and a veteran Code Talker, deciphers the meaning of ancient Choctaw symbols and uncovers a hidden message about their tribe's rich cultural heritage.
Lily, a young girl who loves cryptography, discovers a decorated diary written in a secret code, deciphers it, recounts the stories to her friends, and learns about the importance of sharing knowledge.
Biff, a veteran Choctaw Code Talker, uses humor to decipher an ancient script and learns the importance of not taking life too seriously.
The Code Talker and the Choctaw" is a poetic tale of a young boy who translates the language of a veteran Code Talker, unlocking the secrets of the past and learning about the heroism of the Code Talkers who used their unique skills to aid in communication and fight for their nation.
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