Biff the Code Talker and the 500-Year-Old Joke

Once upon a time, there was a veteran named Biff who lived in the Choctaw tribe. Biff was known as a Code Talker because he could interpret and translate any code. One day, a scientist asked Biff to help decipher an ancient script. The scientist used carbon dating to determine that the script was over 500 years old! Biff spent hours trying to crack the code but it seemed impossible. Just when he was about to give up, he had an idea and started to interpret the script in a silly way. To his surprise, the script read "Don't take life too seriously, have some fun!" Biff couldn't stop laughing and from that day on, he made sure to add humor to his work as a Code Talker. The end.


  1. How did Biff use his skills as a Code Talker to decipher the ancient script?

  2. Why was the scientist using carbon dating on the script?

  3. Why was Biff surprised when he finally deciphered the script?

  4. What did Biff learn about life from the ancient script?

  5. Why is it important to not take life too seriously?

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