The Fruit Squad's Adventure: A Picnic to Remember

Once upon a time, in a magical fruit kingdom, there lived 7 fruits who were the best of friends. There was Pear, the jester of the group who always made everyone laugh with his silly jokes. Then there was Fruit, the leader of the pack who was always there to keep everyone in line. Next up was Banana, the lazy one who loved to take naps all day long. Grape was the smart one who always had a clever solution for every problem. Peach was the beautiful one who loved to sing and dance. Orange was the adventurous one who was always up for exploring new places. Last but not least was Apple, the kind one who was always there to lend a helping hand.

One day, the seven friends decided to go on a picnic. As they were walking through the forest, they came across a river that was too wide for them to cross. They all started panicking except for Pear. He suggested that they build a bridge out of their own bodies. So, they all lined up one after the other, with Fruit leading the way, and started crossing the river.

As they were crossing the river, suddenly, Banana started to slip and slide. He was so slippery that he slid right into Orange, knocking him into the river. Orange started floating down the river, and all of the fruits started to panic. But, Grape had a brilliant idea! She suggested that they use their fruit powers to save Orange.

So, Fruit started to grow roots to anchor the rest of the fruits, and Pear started to spin around like a merry-go-round to create a whirlpool that would bring Orange back to shore. Apple and Peach started to sing a beautiful song to calm Orange down. And, Banana, well he finally woke up from his nap and started to balance himself on his head, creating a bridge for Orange to walk back on.

With the help of all their fruit powers, they were able to save Orange and complete their crossing of the river. The seven friends continued their picnic and had the best time ever, all thanks to their friendship and their fruit powers.

The end.


  1. Who was the leader of the Fruit Squad in the story?
  2. How did Grape save Orange from floating down the river?
  3. What were the special powers of each of the seven friends in the story?
  4. What did the fruits do to cross the wide river?
  5. Why was Banana so slippery in the story?
  6. How did Peach and Apple help to save Orange?
  7. Why was Pear the jester of the group?
  8. What do you think was the most important lesson the fruits learned on their picnic?

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