Lily's Bedtime Routine

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in a cozy house with her parents. One night, before she went to bed, Lily went to the toilet to brush her teeth. She squeezed some toothpaste onto her toothbrush and started brushing. After she was done, she washed her face with a sponge and dried it with a towel.

Lily then put on her slippers and walked to her crib. She was feeling very tired and couldn't wait to go to sleep. She climbed into her bed, snuggled under her blanket, and closed her eyes.

But just as she was about to drift off to sleep, Lily remembered something important. She had forgotten to brush her hair! So, she quickly got out of bed, grabbed her hairbrush, and started brushing her hair.

Finally, after making sure she was all ready for bed, Lily climbed back into her crib, closed her eyes, and fell fast asleep. She slept soundly all night long, dreaming of all the fun things she would do tomorrow.

The end.


  1. What did Lily do first before going to bed?
  2. What did Lily forget to do before going to sleep?
  3. What did Lily use to wash her face?
  4. What did Lily use to dry her face after washing it?
  5. What did Lily put on her feet before going to bed?
  6. What did Lily dream about while she was asleep?

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