Carl the Caterpillar King's Sky Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little caterpillar named Carl. Carl lived in a beautiful meadow filled with colorful flowers and tasty vegetables. One day, Carl decided to go on an adventure. He crawled through the fields, past the cows and the carrots, until he came upon a shiny red car.

"Wow!" said Carl. "I've never seen such a big car before."

Carl climbed into the car and started to drive. He drove through the clouds and up into the sky. Suddenly, he saw a beautiful crown lying on the ground. He picked it up and put it on his head.

"I must be the king of the caterpillars!" he said to himself.

Just then, Carl saw a fluffy white cat sitting on a cloud. The cat meowed and said, "Hello, Carl. What are you doing up here?"

"I'm the king of the caterpillars!" said Carl, holding up his crown.

The cat smiled and said, "That's wonderful, Carl. But you know what would make you even happier?"

"What?" asked Carl.

"A big slice of cake!" said the cat.

And with that, the cat pulled out a giant cake from behind the cloud. Carl took a big bite and it was the most delicious cake he had ever tasted.

From then on, Carl was known as the king of the caterpillars and the cake-loving adventurer. He drove his red car through the clouds and enjoyed many more delicious treats. And he lived happily ever after.


  1. Who is Carl in the story?
  2. What does Carl find in the sky?
  3. What does the cat give Carl?
  4. How does Carl feel after he eats the cake?
  5. What does Carl become known as in the end?
  6. Why did Carl go on an adventure in his car?
  7. What did Carl see in the fields before he got into the car?
  8. Was the cake the best thing Carl had ever tasted? Why or why not?

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