The Adventure of the Living House

Once upon a time, there was a magical garden where all the rooms in a house came to life. One day, the dining room got tired of eating in the same spot and decided to visit the kitchen. They had a fantastic time cooking and baking together, but then the bathroom called out for help! The toilet was clogged and the shower wouldn't stop pouring water. So the dining room and kitchen rushed to the bathroom to save the day.

After fixing the bathroom, they all went to explore the rest of the house. The bedroom was having a pajama party, and the living room was hosting a dance competition. Everyone joined in on the fun, laughing and playing until they were exhausted.

The next morning, they all woke up back in their original spots, wondering if it was just a dream. But they couldn't forget the amazing adventure they had and couldn't wait until their next trip around the house.


  1. What rooms in the house came to life in the story?
  2. What was the problem in the bathroom and how was it fixed?
  3. What did the dining room and kitchen do together?
  4. What was happening in the bedroom and the living room?
  5. Do you think it was just a dream or a real adventure? Why?

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