The Great Adventure of the Runaway Bathroom

Once upon a time, there was a house with five rooms: living room, bedroom, garden, dining room and kitchen. One day, the bathroom got tired of being the smallest and least important room, so it decided to run away. It snuck out of the house and into the garden.

The other rooms were worried and didn't know what to do without their bathroom. So, they decided to search for it. The living room looked in the bedroom, the bedroom checked the dining room, and the kitchen searched the garden. But, they couldn't find the bathroom anywhere.

Just then, they heard a strange noise coming from the bushes. They cautiously approached and found the bathroom trying to hide. "Why did you run away?" asked the living room.

"I just wanted to be appreciated and have my own adventure," replied the bathroom.

The other rooms felt bad for not recognizing the bathroom's importance and promised to always include it in their adventures from now on. And so, they all had a great time exploring the garden together.

The end.


  1. Why did the bathroom run away from the house?
  2. How did the other rooms feel when they couldn't find the bathroom?
  3. What did the other rooms promise to do after finding the bathroom?
  4. How did the story end?
  5. Do you think it was fair for the bathroom to run away? Why or why not?

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