The Fruit Basket Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a fruit basket filled with different kinds of fruits. Every day, the basket would go on an adventure in the forest and all the fruits inside would have fun together.
One day, they came across a big juicy mango, but it was stuck high up in a tree. The banana, who was very strong, volunteered to climb up and get it. The orange and apple helped by giving him a boost. When the mango finally came down, they all cheered. The grape suggested they share the mango equally among all of them. The pear and peach agreed, and they all took a big bite of the sweet and delicious fruit.
From that day on, they all agreed to help each other out and work together whenever they needed it. And they all lived happily ever after.


  1. What kind of fruits were in the basket?
  2. What did the banana do to get the mango?
  3. How did the fruits share the mango?
  4. What lesson did the fruits learn from their adventure?

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