Hay's Adventure in the Sky

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Hay who loved to have fun. One day, she decided to go for an adventure in the sky. She packed her head and hairbrush, and set off in a helicopter. As she flew high above the clouds, she saw a hot-air balloon floating by. Hay asked the pilot if she could join him on his journey, and he happily said yes. They flew over mountains, valleys, and oceans, and had the time of their lives. When they finally landed, Hay thanked the pilot and went back home with a big smile on her face. She knew that she would never forget this amazing experience.


  1. What did Hay pack for her adventure?
  2. How did Hay and the hot-air balloon pilot meet?
  3. What did Hay see on her trip with the hot-air balloon pilot?
  4. How did Hay feel at the end of her adventure?

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