Title: "Robo the Programmer

Once upon a time, there was a little robot named Robo. Robo loved to play with computer programs and he wanted to learn how they worked. One day, Robo's friend, Bot, showed him how to write a program using functions, inputs, loops, objects, outputs, and variables.

Bot explained that a function is like a recipe for the computer to follow and it takes inputs and produces an output. Robo was fascinated by how a loop can repeat a set of instructions until a certain condition is met. He also learned that an object is a data structure that holds variables and functions together.

With Bot's help, Robo wrote his first program. It took an input from the user and printed out a greeting message. He was so proud of himself and showed it to Bot. Bot was impressed and suggested to Robo that he should try running his program on a server.

So, Robo uploaded his program to a server and ran it. The server processed the program and produced the desired output. Robo was amazed at how the server could run his program and produce an output. He realized that the server was like a big brain that could process many programs at once.

From that day on, Robo was inspired to learn more about programming and became a great programmer. He wrote many programs that helped people and made their lives easier. And he lived happily ever after, coding away.

The end.


  1. What did Robo learn about programming from his friend Bot?
  2. What is a function in a computer program?
  3. What is a loop and how does it work?
  4. What is an object in a computer program?
  5. What is the role of a server in running a program?
  6. What was Robo's first program about?
  7. How did Robo become a great programmer?

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