Cozy Bedtime Routine

In my cozy little room,
As the stars begin to bloom,
I put on my comfy pajamas,
And fluff up my soft pillow like a llama's.

I grab my toothbrush and paste,
And brush my teeth with haste,
Then I climb into my bed,
And rest my sleepy head.

But before I drift off to sleep,
I check to make sure my curtains don't creep,
And my trusty lamp is on,
To shine a gentle light until dawn.

So now I'm snug as a bug,
All tucked in and warm like a hug,
And I'll dream of adventures anew,
Until the morning light shines through.


  1. What does the writer do before going to bed?
  2. What does the writer compare their soft pillow to?
  3. What does the writer check before going to sleep?
  4. How does the writer feel when they are all tucked in bed?
  5. What does the writer dream of?

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