The Adventures of a Young Programmer

In a world of codes and wires,
Where tech magic never tires,
There lives a little programmer,
Whose skills just get better and better.

She knows her loops and functions well,
And how to make a program excel,
With variables and inputs galore,
She can create anything and more.

She speaks to servers far and wide,
And connects with objects on the other side,
And when it's time to get a result,
Her output is always the best result.

So if you want to learn to code,
And join this digital abode,
Remember these words and use them well,
And watch your programming skills excel.


  1. What did the young programmer learn about in the story?
  2. What are some of the things a programmer can create using loops, functions, and variables?
  3. How does the programmer connect with servers and objects in the story?
  4. What is the importance of inputs and outputs in programming?
  5. How do you think the young programmer feels when she is able to create something new using her coding skills?

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