Heroes Among Us: A Tale of Bravery and Care.

Once upon a time, in a world so grand,
There were brave heroes, all over the land.

The babysitter was kind, and always on call,
To watch over little ones, both big and small.

The vet cared for animals, big and small,
Making them better, whenever they'd fall.

The firefighter was brave, with a heart so true,
Rushing into danger, to save me and you.

The doctor helped heal us, when we got sick,
Giving us medicine and making us quick.

The police officer kept us safe and sound,
Patrolling the streets and neighborhoods around.

The dentist helped our teeth stay bright and clean,
Teaching us to brush, and floss in between.

So let's all thank these heroes, one and all,
For keeping us safe and healthy, standing tall.


  1. Who are some of the heroes mentioned in the story?
  2. What are some of the things that these heroes do to help people?
  3. Which hero would you like to be when you grow up? Why?
  4. Can you think of any other heroes that you know in your life?
  5. How do these heroes show bravery and care?
  6. What are some ways that we can show appreciation for the heroes in our community?

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