The Little Caterpillar's Big Adventure

When I grow up, I want to be
A doctor, police officer, or maybe
A firefighter, construction worker, or baker
Or a teacher, helping young minds to awaken.

A doctor knows how to make us feel better
When we're sick or hurt, they're a real go-getter
They check our heart, our ears, our nose
And give us medicine to cure our woes.

A police officer keeps us safe and sound
They help us cross the street, and they're always around
To keep us out of danger and harm's way
They protect and serve us every single day.

A firefighter is brave and strong
They put out fires all day long
They use big hoses and climb up high
To rescue people, and put out the sky.

A construction worker builds things up
They use hammers and nails, and never give up
They create homes, bridges, and towers tall
Making our world a better place for all.

A baker makes cakes, cookies, and pies
They use flour, sugar, and other supplies
They mix and bake with love and care
Creating sweet treats for us to share.

A teacher helps us learn and grow
They teach us new things that we didn't know
They inspire us to be the best we can be
And help us achieve our dreams, just you wait and see.

So when you think about what you want to be
Remember these jobs, they're all pretty cool, you'll see
They help people, create, and inspire
And make our world a better place, never to tire.


  1. What was the little caterpillar's goal at the beginning of the story?
  2. How did the little caterpillar change throughout the story?
  3. What challenges did the little caterpillar face on its journey?
  4. What important life lessons did the little caterpillar learn on its adventure?
  5. How did the other characters in the story help or hinder the little caterpillar?
  6. How did the little caterpillar's adventure make it feel?
  7. What is your favorite part of the story and why?
  8. If you were the little caterpillar, what would you have done differently?
  9. What would you do if you found a little caterpillar like the one in the story?
  10. What do you think happened to the little caterpillar after the story ended?

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