Adventure in the Enchanted Forest

When you're drawing or writing something new,
With your pencil in hand, what should you do?
If you make a mistake, don't worry or fret,
Just reach for your eraser and try again, yet.

But sometimes a fix might need something more,
Like tape to hold things together once more.
That's okay too, mistakes happen to all,
Even big people who seem really tall.

The important thing is to keep on trying,
And never give up, even when you feel like crying.
With a pencil and eraser, tape at the ready,
You can create anything, now isn't that heady?

So go on and draw, or write a new story,
And if you make a mistake, don't feel sorry.
Just reach for your tools and try once again,
Creating something new is always a win.


  1. What kind of creatures did the group of friends encounter in the enchanted forest?
  2. What were some of the challenges they faced on their quest to find the treasure?
  3. How did the friends work together to overcome these challenges?
  4. What did they learn about themselves and each other during their adventure?
  5. What was your favorite part of the story and why?

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