The Little Bird's Journey to Freedom

Once upon a time in a land far away,
There was a beautiful pond where the ducks would play,
They'd swim and they'd quack and have lots of fun,
Under the warm rays of the shining sun.

One day, a little bird flew by,
It was looking for a place to rest and lie,
It spotted a cage in the nearby town,
But it didn't feel safe, and wanted to fly around.

The bird found a playground, a perfect place to rest,
Where it could play and feel its best,
It hopped and skipped and flapped its wings,
And enjoyed all the beautiful things.

As the day came to an end,
The little bird had to find a friend,
It took a path towards the pond,
Where it met the ducks and they formed a bond.

Now the little bird is happy and free,
Living a life full of joy and glee,
In the beautiful pond, it found a new home,
And never again will it feel alone.


Here are a few questions that kids can think about regarding "The Little Bird's Journey to Freedom":

  1. What did the little bird find in the nearby town? Why didn't it feel safe there?
  2. Where did the little bird find a safe and fun place to rest? What did it do there?
  3. Who did the little bird meet at the pond, and what did they do together?
  4. How did the little bird feel after finding a new home near the beautiful pond?
  5. Have you ever felt like the little bird, searching for a safe and happy place to be? What did you do to find it?

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