Title: The Mossy Jungle Adventure

Once upon a time in the jungle so green
Lived a gorilla, the biggest you've seen
He loved to climb up the trees so tall
With his strong arms, he never did fall

The trees were mossy and bumpy with leaves
But the gorilla climbed with such ease
He swung from branch to branch with glee
Looking like a king, oh so free

One day, a monkey came to play
He challenged the gorilla to a race that day
They started with a jump so high
And the gorilla went soaring by

The monkey tried to catch up fast
But the gorilla was just too vast
He climbed up the trees with all his might
And reached the top, a true delight

So if you see a gorilla in the wild
Don't be scared, just smile and be mild
For he's a gentle giant, oh so grand
And he loves to climb in his jungle land.


  1. Who is the main character in the story and what is his favorite activity?
  2. What do the trees in the jungle look like and why is it difficult to climb them?
  3. Who challenges the gorilla to a race and what happens during the race?
  4. What is the moral of the story and what can we learn from the gorilla's determination and bravery?
  5. If you were to meet the gorilla in the jungle, what would you say to him or what would you like to do together?

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