The Strange and Unique Frog

Once a tadpole lived in a pond,
Swimming around all day long.
But as it grew and changed its form,
It turned into a strange odd frog.

The frog was green and had big eyes,
And hopped around on skinny thighs.
It croaked a song that sounded odd,
But to the other frogs it was like a symphony from God.

The other animals in the pond,
Thought the frog was strange and odd.
But the frog didn't mind at all,
It liked being unique and standing tall.

So if you ever feel like an odd tadpole,
Just remember to grow and change and let your true self show.
Because just like the frog, you are unique and special too,
And there's no one else in the world who's exactly like you!


  1. What happens to the tadpole as it grows and changes?
  2. How do the other animals in the pond react to the strange frog?
  3. Why does the frog like being different?
  4. Do you think it's important to be unique and true to yourself? Why or why not?
  5. Can you think of a time when you felt like an odd tadpole? How did you handle it?

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