The Pond's Playful Creatures

In a pond, so calm and still
Lived creatures with a special thrill
A turtle, slow and steady
On a lily pad, so cozy and ready

A fish swam by, so quick and sly
Chasing after some food nearby
A duck quacked and paddled along
Enjoying the water's gentle song

A cattail stood tall and proud
Its fluffy head, like a fluffy cloud
A frog leaped from lily to lily
With legs so strong, quick and frilly

These creatures all shared a home
In the pond where they could roam
With lily pads, fish and more
They made the pond their own decor

So if you visit a pond or lake
Look out for these creatures, make no mistake
The turtle, fish, duck, cattail and frog
They'll make you smile, like a happy jog.


  1. Who are the different animals that live in the pond in the story?
  2. What do the animals do in the pond?
  3. What are some unique characteristics of each animal in the story?
  4. What do you think it would be like to live in a pond like the one in the story?
  5. How do you think the animals in the pond help each other survive?

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