Pets and toys, books and coats,
We need food and shoes to tote.
These are the things we use each day,
To make our lives fun and play.
Our pets are furry friends so dear,
With wagging tails and ears to hear.
We give them food to keep them strong,
So they can play with us all day long.
Books are treasures for our mind,
They take us to places we can't find.
We learn and laugh, and read and play,
All with the books that come our way.
Our coats keep us warm in the cold,
And our shoes help us run and hold.
We jump and play with all our might,
All dressed up and feeling just right.
So let's embrace these things we own,
Our pets, our books, our coat and phone.
Our toys and shoes make us complete,
And make our lives so fun and sweet!
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