The Adventures of the Little Bird and the Hidden Nest

In the woods, where trees grow tall,
And the grass tickles your toes so small,
Lived a little bird, with feathers so bright,
Singing sweetly from morning till night.

One day, as he flew from tree to tree,
He found a cozy log, perfect for tea.
He hopped inside to take a rest,
And found a little friend, in a hidden nest.

The friend was shy and liked to hide,
But the bird coaxed her out, and soon they both spied,
A world of adventure, beyond their little log,
And they set off to explore, with a hop and a jog.

They played in the grass, and climbed up high,
To see the world, from up in the sky.
They found new friends, and treasures galore,
And never wanted to leave, this magical forest floor.

So if you ever find yourself, in a deep, dark wood,
Remember to look, for the hidden and good.
And you might just find, a little bird or two,
Waiting to show you, what magic they can do.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What did the little bird find when he flew from tree to tree in the woods?
  2. How did the little bird coax his shy friend out of her hidden nest?
  3. What did the little bird and his friend find on their adventure in the woods?
  4. Why did the little bird and his friend not want to leave the magical forest?
  5. Have you ever explored a forest or gone on an adventure like the little bird and his friend? What did you find?

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