Puzzle Time with the Old Bear

In a room filled with toys and books,
There lay a puzzle, with missing hooks.
A pile of pieces on the floor,
Waiting to be solved, just like before.

The old bear, with a smile so wide,
Said to the kids, "Let's give it a try."
"We'll keep on trying, until we're done,
And with each piece we'll have more fun."

So they picked up the pieces, one by one,
And worked together until it was done.
The puzzle complete, they all cheered,
Feeling proud of what they had achieved.

Now the old bear looked with delight,
At the kids who solved the puzzle right.
He said to them, "Remember to keep trying,
And you'll succeed in everything, no denying."

With smiles on their faces, they hugged the bear,
Knowing they had learned something rare.
That with patience and determination too,
They can achieve anything they put their minds to.


  1. What did the old bear suggest they do with the puzzle?
  2. Did the kids give up when they found the puzzle difficult?
  3. What lesson did the old bear teach the kids about solving the puzzle?
  4. How did the kids feel after completing the puzzle?
  5. Can you think of something difficult that you accomplished after trying again and again?

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