The Journey of the Seed, the Egg, and the Plant

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
A little seed was planted, on a sunny day.
It nestled in the earth, all snug and sound,
Waiting for the spring, to come around.

As the days went by, the seed started to grow,
Pushing up its stem, reaching for the glow.
The sun shone bright, from the south it came,
Helping the seed to flourish, and grow without shame.

In the spring, the egg hatched, a chick so small,
With feathers soft and fluffy, and a beak so tall.
It chirped and peeped, and flapped its wings,
And off it flew, to see new things.

The plant continued to grow, up towards the sky,
Leaves so green and lush, reaching so high.
As the days grew shorter, and the air turned cold,
The plant shed its leaves, and grew old.

The fall had come, the north wind blew,
Taking the seeds, and scattering them anew.
Their journey had just begun, they went far and wide,
Looking for a new home, where they could reside.

And so the story goes, of the seed, the egg, and the plant,
All on a journey, to places so grand.
Where they will end up, nobody can say,
But they'll keep on moving, and growing day by day.


  1. What are some of the different seasons that the seed, egg, and plant experience in the story?
  2. How do the changing seasons affect the characters in the story?
  3. What do you think the egg and the chick represent in the story?
  4. What do you think the seed and the plant symbolize in the story?
  5. How does the story show the importance of growth and exploration?

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