Robot Finds His Place: A Factory Tale

Once upon a time, in a faraway land,
There was a factory, oh so grand!
It was a building tall and wide,
With machines inside, side by side.

These machines were like magic, you see,
They could make goods, and do it quickly!
Each one had a special part,
To help the others do their part.

But in the corner, all alone,
A robot sat, feeling unknown.
He had no job, no part to play,
And he sat there, day after day.

Until one day, he decided to turn,
And he found a job he could learn.
He joined the machines, with a smile,
And helped them make goods, in no time!

Now the factory runs like a dream,
All thanks to the little robot, it seems.
He found his place, his special part,
And now he's loved, with all his heart.


Here are some questions that may help children think about the story:

  1. How did the other machines feel about the robot before he found his place?
  2. What do you think the robot felt like before he found his job?
  3. Why was it important for the robot to find his place in the factory?
  4. What special abilities did the robot have that made him a good fit for the factory?
  5. What lesson do you think the story is trying to teach us?

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