Wild Creatures: Diverse Ways of Thriving.

In the wilds of the world so wide,
There are creatures you can't hide,
From the tundra to the savannah,
Each one unique in its manner.

An elk with antlers big and strong,
Roams through fields all day long,
While an elephant with its trunk so long,
Gathers water where it does belong.

A hippopotamus in the river,
Swims and splashes without a quiver,
A camel in the desert sand,
Carries goods across the land.

A polar bear with fur so white,
Lives where snow and ice unite,
A giraffe with a neck so tall,
Reaches leaves beyond all.

A fox with its bushy tail,
Runs through the woods without fail,
And a zebra with stripes so bold,
Strides across the grassy hold.

These creatures of different kinds,
Are all special, as you will find,
Each one has its own way to thrive,
In a world where they all survive.


  1. What are some of the unique features of the different animals mentioned in the poem?
  2. How do the different animals adapt to their different environments?
  3. What are some of the challenges that these animals might face in their natural habitats?
  4. What can we learn from these animals about living in harmony with nature?
  5. How do the different animals interact with each other in the wild?

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