Roma's River Adventure: A Journey Through Roman History

Once upon a time, there was a ragged little girl named Roma. She lived near a river that flowed through the countryside. One day, while playing by the river, Roma found a mysterious point sticking out of the ground. She dug around it and discovered an ancient Roman coin!

Excited by her discovery, Roma decided to follow the river to see where it might lead her. She packed a small bag with food and set off on her adventure. The river took her through rolling hills, lush forests, and past sparkling waterfalls.

As she traveled, Roma learned about the history of the Roman Empire and the many incredible things they had built, like roads, bridges, and aqueducts. She also met many friendly animals along the way, who told her stories of their own adventures.

Finally, after many days of traveling, Roma came to a large city. It was Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire! She was amazed by the grand buildings, bustling markets, and colorful street performers.

Roma explored the city for many days, learning about the history and culture of the Romans. And she always kept her special point and coin with her, as a reminder of her incredible journey.

When it was time for her to return home, Roma knew that she would always treasure the memories of her adventure along the river. And she promised herself that she would always be curious and brave, just like the ancient Romans.


  1. Where did Roma find the mysterious point?
  2. Who did Roma meet on her journey along the river?
  3. What did Roma learn about the Roman Empire?
  4. What did Roma always keep with her as a reminder of her adventure?
  5. What did Roma promise herself about being curious and brave?

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