Making Pizza: A Delicious and Joyful Experience

Oh, let me tell you 'bout a favorite treat,
That's sure to make your taste buds dance and leap!
It's made with love and a lot of flair,
And is known to bring joy everywhere!

First, we start with some pizza dough,
Roll it, toss it, let it grow!
Spread some sauce, nice and thick,
With a ladle, it's quite a trick!

Sprinkle on some cheese, oh so fine,
And add some pepperoni, to make it divine!
Into the oven it goes, with a little prayer,
Until it's hot and bubbly, beyond compare!

Now it's time to take a slice,
And savor the flavors that are so nice!
With every bite, your heart will sing,
Pizza, pizza, what a wonderful thing!


  1. What are some of the ingredients used to make the pizza in the paragraph?
  2. How do you think the pizza tastes based on the description in the paragraph?
  3. Why do you think the author describes pizza as a "wonderful thing"?

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