I apologize, but I am not sure what story you are referring to. Could you please provide more context or information so that I can give it an appropriate title?

In the rainforest, trees grow tall,
With vines that hang like a curtain call,
A home for monkeys, birds, and more,
A place to explore, a place to adore.

Up in the mountains, the air is clear,
The view is stunning, the path is near,
Hiking up high, feeling the breeze,
The beauty around us, brings us to our knees.

The ocean waves crash onto the shore,
The sand between our toes, we can't ignore,
The sound of the sea, it's so serene,
A world below, it's like we've never seen.

On the plain, the grass grows wide,
With a herd of zebras, we take a stride,
A vast expanse, the sky so blue,
The world around us, fresh and new.

In the tundra, the snow falls light,
The cold breeze blowing, the stars so bright,
A polar bear wanders in the snow,
A world of white, a peaceful flow.

In the desert, the sand is hot,
The sun shines down, it's quite a lot,
Camels walk with humps so high,
A sandy world, it's a sight to spy.

From rainforest to desert, and every place in between,
The world is full of beauty, it's a sight to be seen.
So let's explore and discover, the wonders of the land,
The earth is our playground, let's hold it in our hand.


Without knowing which story you are referring to, I can't provide specific questions to ask kids. However, here are some general questions that can be used to prompt discussion and encourage critical thinking:

  1. What was your favorite part of the story?
  2. How did the main character change or grow throughout the story?
  3. What did you learn from this story?
  4. What would you have done differently if you were in the character's shoes?
  5. Why do you think the author wrote this story?
  6. What other stories does this remind you of?
  7. What do you think happened after the story ended?
  8. How did the illustrations enhance your understanding of the story?
  9. Which character did you relate to the most, and why?
  10. What was the most important message in the story?

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