The Wonders of the Shore: A Tale of Snails, Starfish, Crabs, Mussels, and the Tide

On the sandy shore so wide and vast,
A tiny snail went by so fast.
With its shell upon its back,
It left a trail along its track.

A starfish lying on the sand,
With arms so long and smooth and grand.
It sparkled in the bright sunlight,
A wondrous sight, oh such delight!

A crab came scurrying from the rocks,
Its claws click-clacking, tick-tock-tocks.
It searched for mussels by the tide,
Its beady eyes open wide.

The mussels clinging to the pier,
As the tide comes in oh so near.
They open up to catch their meal,
And then they close, a silent seal.

The tide comes in, the tide goes out,
A never-ending ebb and spout.
It brings us treasures, great and small,
For us to find and cherish all.

So come and visit the shore with me,
And see the wonders of the sea.
The snails, starfish, crabs and mussels too,
All waiting there to say hello to you!


  1. Who were some of the creatures that the story mentioned, and what were they doing on the shore?
  2. What did the tide do, and why was it important to the story?
  3. What was your favorite part of the story, and why?
  4. Have you ever been to the shore and seen any of the creatures from the story?
  5. Why do you think it's important to take care of the shore and its inhabitants?

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