The Magic Pencil

Instruments of all kinds,
Can create a style that binds,
From guitars to trumpets to drums,
Each one has a unique strum.

With a squeeze of the keys or strings,
A melody loudly sings,
A rhythm that's hard to ignore,
And kids start dancing on the floor.

But as the night grows late,
And the music starts to abate,
You might hear a little snore,
From a kid who can't take no more.

But don't you worry or fret,
For when the sun begins to set,
The music will again wake,
And the kids will dance and shake.


  1. What would you draw if you had a magic pencil that could bring your drawings to life?
  2. How do you think the main character felt when she realized her drawings had caused chaos in her town?
  3. Can you think of a time when you were given a lot of power, but had to be responsible with it?
  4. If you could go on an adventure with one of the characters in the story, who would you choose and why?
  5. What lesson do you think the main character learned by the end of the story?

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