The Little Girl and the Tricky Wolf

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
A little girl went out to play.
With her sheep by her side, she skipped along,
Singing a happy little song.

But suddenly she saw a wolf in her way,
Who grinned and growled and started to sway.
He said, "Little girl, don't you know,
I'm a big bad wolf, and I'm here to show,

That I can trick you with my lies,
And make you believe whatever I devise."
But the little girl knew the truth very well,
And so she cried out with a powerful yell.

"Stop it, you liar, get out of my way!
I know your tricks, I won't let you play."
And with that, she ran as fast as she could,
With her sheep close behind, she knew they would.

She ran and ran until she was there,
Back at her home, safe and without a care.
And she knew that the truth would always win,
No matter how hard the wolf tried again.

So kids, always remember to stand up strong,
And don't let the liars trick you for long.
Believe in the truth and run away,
And you'll be safe from the wolf every day.


  1. What did the wolf want to do to the little girl and her sheep?
  2. How did the little girl react when she saw the wolf?
  3. Why was it important for the little girl to know the truth?
  4. What did the little girl do to outsmart the wolf?
  5. What did the little girl learn from her encounter with the wolf?

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