Seasonal Changes: Embracing the Magic of Every Time of Year.

In the fall, the leaves turn gold,
As the trees prepare for winter's cold.
The wind begins to blow and howl,
As nature sheds its summer cowl.

When winter comes, the snowflakes fall,
Covering everything like a soft white shawl.
We bundle up to brave the chill,
And warm our hands by the fire's thrill.

As spring arrives, the snow does melt,
And flowers bloom with colors felt.
The sun returns and warms the earth,
Bringing new life and a sense of mirth.

And when the summer sun shines bright,
We splash and play from dawn 'til night.
The warm breeze carries us away,
To beaches, parks, and fields of hay.

So let's enjoy each season's spin,
Embrace the changes that they bring in.
For every time and every kind,
Has its own magic to unwind.


  1. What happens to the leaves on the trees in the fall?
  2. How do people keep warm in the winter?
  3. What happens to the snow in the spring?
  4. What activities do people enjoy in the summer?

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