Magical Help for a Little Creature

Once upon a time, in a magical land,
Lived a little creature with a fever in his hand.
He walked on four legs, with paws so small,
And hooves that sparkled, like crystals in a ball.

One day, as he was walking through the wood,
He stumbled on a rock and his hoof it cracked for good.
The pain was so great, he cried out in pain,
And felt like he could never walk again.

But then he saw a broken shell,
And inside it, he found a magic spell.
He whispered the words and felt a surge of power,
And suddenly his hoof was as good as new, within an hour.

He thanked the shell and went on his way,
Walking through the woods, and playing all day.
He knew that with magic, anything could be fixed,
And that sometimes, the smallest things could make the biggest difference.

So if you ever find yourself feeling blue,
Just remember this little creature, and what he went through.
And know that with a little bit of magic and a positive outlook,
Anything is possible, no matter how small or how big the hook.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What was the little creature's problem in the story, and how did he solve it?
  2. How did the little creature feel when he first cracked his hoof, and how did he feel after he found the magic spell?
  3. What do you think the little creature learned from his experience, and how might you apply that lesson to your own life?
  4. What was the significance of the broken shell in the story, and how did it help the little creature?
  5. Why do you think the story emphasizes the power of magic, and what might that tell us about the importance of imagination and creativity?

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