Title: "The Mighty Tiger with Stripes of Grace

Once upon a time, in a jungle so grand,
There lived a big cat, with stripes on its hand.
A tiger was he, with eyes sharp and bright,
His fluffy fur gleaming, a magnificent sight.

With a powerful body, he was always ready,
To prowl through the forest, strong and steady.
His stripes helped him hide, in the tall green grass,
And sneak up on his prey, oh so fast!

But tigers, you see, are not just for fears,
They can also be playful, with cute little ears.
They love to romp and play, just like you,
And snuggle up close, when the day is through.

So if you see a tiger, don't be afraid,
Just admire his stripes, and the fluff on his blade.
For he's a creature of beauty, strength, and grace,
And we must do all we can, to help him find his rightful place.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. What kind of animal was the main character in the story?
  2. What were some of the features of the tiger that the poem described?
  3. How did the tiger's stripes help him in the jungle?
  4. Were tigers in the story portrayed as friendly or scary animals?
  5. Why is it important to respect and protect wild animals like tigers?

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