Lost in the Woods

When it's time to eat, don't be shy,
You can try anything that catches your eye.
From fruits and veggies to chicken and fries,
There's a world of deliciousness, just give it a try!

Stay healthy and strong, that's the key,
And taking care of yourself is the way to be.
So eat what's good for you, and take a walk or run,
It's easy to do and it can be fun!

When you're at the store, make a list,
And be sure to grab the things you won't miss.
Fill your cart with fruits and veggies galore,
And you'll have plenty of good things in store.

When it's time to drive, be sure to be safe,
Buckle up and follow the rules, don't be chafe.
Stay focused on the road ahead,
And you'll get to your destination without dread.

So remember these tips, and you'll be alright,
Stay healthy, safe, and happy day or night!
Just eat what's good, stay true to yourself,
And life will be good, just like a shelf!


  1. Have you ever been on a camping trip?
  2. How would you feel if you were lost in the woods?
  3. What do you think the group could have done differently to avoid getting lost?
  4. What are some things you would do to stay safe if you were lost in the woods?
  5. How important is it to work together as a team when facing a difficult situation?
  6. Have you ever had to rely on your friends to help you through a tough situation?
  7. What did the characters learn from their experience of being lost in the woods?
  8. Would you go on another camping trip after hearing this story? Why or why not?
  9. What would you pack in your backpack if you were going on a camping trip?
  10. How would you use a compass and a map to navigate through the woods?

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