The Friendly Snake's Race to Friendship

Once upon a time, in a land far away,
There was a friendly snake who loved to play.
He had a friend, a mouse named Mace,
They would race around, it was their favorite pace.

One day, as they raced through the forest so green,
They met a new snake, the likes they've never seen.
He hissed at them, and with a sneer,
Declared that he was their enemy, and they should fear.

But the friendly snake was brave and true,
He knew what to do, and he knew just who,
He called out to Mace, and together they faced
The new snake, ready to win the race.

With hissing and slithering, they gave their all,
And in the end, the new snake took a fall.
He lay there, defeated, but not for long,
For the friendly snake helped him up, and showed him what was wrong.

The new snake learned that making friends is the way,
To live a happy life each and every day.
And from that day on, they all woke up,
Happy to have found a friend, and ready to race and sup.


  1. Who were the main characters in the story?
  2. What did the new snake do when he first met the friendly snake and Mace?
  3. What did the friendly snake do to help the new snake become their friend?
  4. How did the story end?
  5. What did you learn from this story?

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