The Magical Glassblower

In a workshop deep and old,
A glassblower worked with tools so bold.
He had an oven hot as fire,
To melt the glass and make it higher.

He picked up his pipe, long and thin,
Dipped it in the molten glass within.
A bubble formed with his every breath,
And he blew and blew until it was the best.

The glass took shape, round and smooth,
A bowl to hold treasures, to soothe and groove.
With colors bright and patterns unique,
It was a work of art, for all to seek.

So next time you see a glassblower at work,
Remember the magic that they can unearth.
With an oven, a tool, and a simple bubble,
They can create something truly incredible.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to encourage them to think about "The Magical Glassblower":

  1. What tools did the glassblower use to create the glass bowl?
  2. How did the glassblower use an oven to make the glass malleable?
  3. What happened when the glassblower blew into the pipe?
  4. How did the glassblower create unique patterns and colors in the glass bowl?
  5. How did the glass bowl make people feel when they saw it?

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