The Everyday Heroes of Our Town

In a town not too far away,
Lived some folks who worked every day,
A doctor, a firefighter, and police too,
And even a cowboy with a hat brand new.

The doctor helped people feel better,
She cured their coughs and made them weller,
She wore her glasses to see real clear,
And made sure her patients had nothing to fear.

The firefighter put out fires with might,
And saved people's homes day and night,
He wore a helmet and a uniform red,
And always had a hose to put out flames ahead.

The police officer kept the town safe,
She caught bad guys with a determined face,
She wore a badge and a uniform blue,
And made sure the streets were secure for me and you.

The cowboy was new to the scene,
But he worked just as hard as the other three,
He rode his horse and wore a hat,
And helped herd cows, just imagine that!

So if you see these people around,
Give them a smile and a wave profound,
For they work hard to keep us all safe,
And deserve our thanks and endless praise.


  1. Who are some of the everyday heroes in our community, and what do they do to help people?
  2. Why is it important to wear glasses when you're a doctor or other medical professional?
  3. What kind of equipment does a firefighter need to put out a fire, and why is it important?
  4. What is the role of a police officer in keeping our community safe, and how do they help us?
  5. Have you ever met a cowboy or seen one in real life? What kind of things do cowboys do?

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