Venny the Shiny Car: A Tale of Voltage and Varnish

Once upon a time, there was a little car named Venny. Venny was a special vehicle because he was made of a beautiful veneer that shone in the sun. However, Venny was feeling a bit dull and faded.

One day, Venny went to the car shop to get a new coat of varnish. The varnish made Venny's veneer shine brightly once again! He felt so happy and proud of his new shine.

But then, Venny started to experience some problems. His wheels would warp when he drove too fast, and his engine would overheat when he tried to drive up hills. Venny was worried that he wouldn't be able to drive anymore.

The mechanic at the car shop took a look at Venny and found that his battery wasn't working properly. The mechanic explained to Venny that the battery needed a certain amount of volts to work properly, and that his wattage was too low.

Venny was determined to fix his battery, so he went on a journey to find the perfect battery. He tried battery after battery, but nothing seemed to work. Just when Venny was about to give up, he found a battery that was just right. It had the right amount of volts and wattage to make Venny's engine run smoothly.

Finally, Venny was able to drive again! He was so happy that he decided to treat himself to a nice waxing to keep his veneer shining. From that day on, Venny never had any problems with his engine or his veneer, and he drove happily ever after.

The end.


  1. What was the problem with Venny's battery?
  2. How did Venny fix his battery problem?
  3. Why did Venny get a waxing at the end of the story?
  4. What made Venny's veneer special?
  5. What did the mechanic explain to Venny about his battery?

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