Let's Take Care of Our Plant Friends

In the soil, we plant a seed
With sunlight, it begins to feed
Water helps it grow up tall
In the air, it stands so proud and tall

Animals come and sniff around
To see what magic can be found
The plant provides a home and food
To creatures big and small, good mood

So let's take care of the soil
And give our plants the love and toil
With sunlight, water, and good air
Our plant friends will grow and share

Nature gives us so much joy
For every girl and every boy
Take care of all living things
And watch the beauty that life brings


  1. What are some things that plants need in order to grow tall and strong?
  2. What kind of animals might be interested in a plant and why?
  3. Why is it important to take care of the soil and the plants that grow in it?

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