The Search for My Missing Raccoon Friend

There once was a raccoon so sweet,
But now she's gone, and I can't find her feet.
I'm worried and upset, can't you see?
I miss my raccoon friend, oh so dearly.

She used to come and visit me,
And climb the trees so gracefully.
But now she's nowhere to be found,
And I'm left feeling quite profound.

Our friendship was so special and true,
But now I don't know what to do.
I search and search, day and night,
Hoping to find her by morning light.

But until then, I'll keep searching on,
For my missing raccoon friend, she's not gone.
She's just lost, and needs to be found,
And with my help, she'll be safe and sound.


Here are a few questions to ask kids to think about the story:

  1. How did the child feel when they realized their raccoon friend was missing?
  2. Why do you think the child was so determined to find their friend?
  3. What did the child learn about perseverance and friendship during their search?
  4. Have you ever lost something or someone important to you? How did you feel, and what did you do to try and find it or them?
  5. If you were the raccoon in the story, how would you have felt when you were lost and trying to find your way back to your friend?

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