Title: The Adventures of the Little Boy on the Farm

Once upon a time, on a farm so neat,
Lived a little boy with dirty feet.
He loved to run and play and laugh,
And sometimes he would even ask,

"Can we go explore the fields and see,
All the animals and what they be?"
So off he'd go with a happy heart,
And chase the chickens 'til they'd dart.

But when the day was done and night drew near,
He'd run back home without a fear.
To his little house on the street so quiet,
Where he'd rest and dream until first light.

So if you ever find yourself in need,
Of adventure or just some time to read,
Just remember the boy on the farm,
And all the joy that he would charm.


Here are a few questions that kids can think about after reading the story:

  1. Where does the little boy live and what does he like to do?
  2. What does the little boy do when he explores the fields on the farm?
  3. Why does the little boy run back home before nightfall?
  4. What does the little boy do when he gets back to his house?
  5. Have you ever visited a farm or seen animals like the ones on the little boy's farm?

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