A Brave Adventure in the Enchanted Forest

How to make some friends today?
You may be wondering what to say.
But don't worry, it's not so tough,
Just be yourself, that's enough!

Some may be shy, some may be loud,
Some may be silly, some may be proud.
But all of them have something unique,
That makes them special, and that's no critique.

If you find someone who needs a hand,
Offer to help, they'll understand.
Together you can solve the task,
And make each other's day a blast.

If you can't seem to find a friend,
Don't be discouraged, don't let it end.
There are plenty of people out there,
Who would love to show you that they care.

So let's be friendly, let's be kind,
Let's help each other, and you'll find,
That friendships will come your way,
And they'll never be too far away.


  1. What do you think the friends learned from their adventure in the enchanted forest?
  2. What was your favorite obstacle or surprise that the friends encountered on their journey?
  3. If you could visit an enchanted forest, what kind of creatures or magical things would you like to see?
  4. How did the friends work together to overcome the challenges they faced?
  5. Did you feel scared or excited for the friends while reading the story? Why?

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