A Lame Calf's Journey with a Kind Nag

How many rhymes can you make,
With words like calf and dozen and lame?
Can you count them all, without mistake,
And say them out loud, without shame?

There once was a calf who was quite lame,
He couldn't run, it was such a shame.
But he met a nag who was quite kind,
And she carried him on her back, never minding.

They walked for many miles that day,
And the calf's heart was light, he had nothing to say.
He counted a dozen clouds in the sky,
And wished he could stay up there, oh my!

But the nag said, "No, we must go on,
Until we reach our destination.
And along the way, we'll have some fun,
And make up rhymes, just for fun."

So they rhymed and they sang,
And the calf forgot all about his lame.
He was happy, he was free,
And he knew that anything was possible, you see.

So how many rhymes did you make,
With words like calf and dozen and lame?
Did you have fun, and did you learn,
That anything is possible, if you yearn?


  1. Why do you think the calf was limping?
  2. What qualities did the nag have that made her a good friend to the calf?
  3. How did the calf feel during the journey with the nag?
  4. Why do you think they decided to make up rhymes along the way?
  5. What did the calf learn during his journey with the nag?

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