Jumping with Friends: The Kangaroo, the Goat, and the Hawk

Once upon a time in a land far away
Lived a kangaroo, who loved to play
She'd jump and hop and skip around
Through the fields, without a sound

One day she met a goat, who said with a snap
"Hey, Kangaroo, let's take a nap!"
But the Kangaroo had energy to spare
She wanted to jump and go everywhere

Suddenly, a hawk swooped down from above
And said with a screech, "You have to move!
Don't just stand there, it's time to play
Let's all jump and have a great day!"

And so they all began to jump and hop
The kangaroo, the goat, and even the hawk
They laughed and played until the sun went down
And promised to play again when it came back around

So if you're feeling down or in a slump
Just remember to jump and jump and jump!
With friends by your side, you'll never stop
And you'll have fun, from the bottom to the top!


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. What did the Kangaroo love to do?
  3. Why did the Goat suggest taking a nap?
  4. How did the Hawk help the Kangaroo and the Goat have fun?
  5. How did the Kangaroo, the Goat, and the Hawk become friends?
  6. What is the moral of the story?
  7. Can you think of a time when you had fun jumping with your friends?

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