The Great Hide-and-Seek Adventure

Let's play a game of hide-and-seek,
But first, let's all sit down and speak.
The rule is simple, as you'll see,
When you're ready, count to three.

Then go and seek out all your friends,
Who are hiding and hoping the game never ends.
You might find me, or find another,
But be quick, for we won't wait forever.

We'll search high and low, far and wide,
And hope that no one has run off to hide.
We'll look in new places we've never been,
And hope that we'll all be found again.

But in the end, we'll all come together,
As the game ends, and we'll all feel better.
We'll have fun and play, like kids should,
And never let hunger leave us feeling misunderstood.

So let's enjoy this game, and when it's done,
We'll all be happy, and full of fun.
And if someone says they're starving, don't worry,
We'll share our food, and everyone will be merry.


  1. What game did the group of friends play in the story?
  2. Did they all follow the same rule when playing hide-and-seek?
  3. Did the kids have fun searching for their friends in new places they've never been before?
  4. Was there a time when someone said they were hungry? How did they handle it?
  5. Why is it important to share with others when they're in need, like when someone is hungry?

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