Brave Burro and the Frog at the Well

In a little village, far away
Lived a burro, so they say
He carried things on his strong back
And followed his owner's every track

One day, when the sun was high
His owner called him with a sigh
"We need water, burro dear
Go to the well, it's very near"

So off he went, with his jug in tow
To gather water, he had to go
He reached the well and looked inside
But saw something that made him hide

A frog was sitting on the rim
He croaked and made the burro grim
He didn't know what to do
The frog scared him, it was true

But then he remembered, with a grin
The trick his owner had taught him
To gather courage and be brave
And face his fears, without a wave

So he took a deep breath and said
"Mr. Frog, please move ahead"
The frog jumped away, without a sound
And the burro's courage, he had found

He filled his jug with cool fresh water
And brought it back to his owner
Who praised him for his bravery
And how he faced his fear so bravely

From that day on, the burro knew
That he could do anything he set out to do
When faced with fear or when feeling grim
He'd gather courage, and face it with a grin.


  1. How did the burro feel when he saw the frog at the well?
  2. What did the burro do to overcome his fear of the frog?
  3. What did the burro's owner think of his bravery?
  4. What lesson did the burro learn from his experience at the well?
  5. Can you think of a time when you were scared, and how did you overcome your fear?

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